Swatch Hovering for Mobile


Since there is no hovering function on mobile, whenever you click on a color swatch you get redirected to the product page of that swatch, instead of only seeing the product in the new selected color without leaving the collection page, as it happens on desktop. It would be amazing, if it would be possible on mobile to have people click through the color swatches without being directly redirected to the product page. This way the customers can look at the different colors of a product while still staying in the collection page and being able to view other products. If they do want to go to the product page of the color swatch they just looked at, they can then just click the product image and there they go. But since there is no hovering on mobile, I feel like this feature would be very important to allow the customers to browse different product colors on the collection page without being directly redirected to the product page. Is this somehow possible? Thanks!