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For custom items allow customer to add details in a "note to seller" type box.
Showing the sizes when hovering on product image on the collection page.
Letting clients see X% OFF is more effective than simply using the word "SALE" to boost conversion rates.
On mobile the fact that a section is a slider is not always apparent especially for older users, having arrow overlay or some...
An Accordion dropdown that has photos to show off the products in a house or in use. But under the product page accordion not a...
A Collaboration with any Theme Updater App to update Broadcast without losing code edits would be very helpful. Other Theme...
We would like to request a Quick Add / Choose Options button that's always visible at the bottom of the card instead of the...
Have the option to choose incremental/decrement (+ / -) quantity selector on product pages instead of a drop-down.
Hello team! It would be great if the theme allowed users to save individual sections or blocks to reuse across different...
Add a search function to the blog section of our Shopify theme to enhance user experience and content discovery. This feature...